Monday 25 July 2011

Top Foods For Health and Beauty

Most foods have some kind of downside. For example, some foods may be high in protein but also high in fat, they may have a million nutrients but taste terrible, or they may taste like heaven on a fork but have little to no nutritional value. But there are a few foods out there that pack an extra punch. They not only taste good, but they’re also healthy. And as an added bonus, certain foods can also have tremendous benefits for your appearance. Whether we’re talking about beautiful hair, skin, eyes, or simply a trim waste line, all of the following foods can provide beauty benefits while also contributing to your health and your culinary pleasure.

1. Blueberries: Blueberries have everything. In addition to numerous vitamins, they’re also one of the top sources of antioxidants, which help skin and hair maintain a healthy glow while protecting against heart disease, cancer, and various other illnesses.

2. Salmon: Among all meat products, salmon has the most benefits. It’s a source of complete omega 3 fatty acids, which contribute to youthful skin. It’s also rich in proteins, which promote hair and nail growth, as well as iron and the all important Vitamin B 12.

3. Carrots: While carrots might not be everyone’s favorite vegetable, maybe they’ll start to taste better when you realize their incredible benefits. For one thing, they are one of the richest sources of Vitamin A, which promotes not only healthy looking but also clear vision. Carrots also contribute plenty of antioxidants, fiber, and other valuable vitamins and minerals.

4. Spinach: Among spinach’s many healthy vitamin and minerals are iron, betacarotene, lutein, and calcium. The lutein in particular will help keep your eyes colorful, clear, and bright, while the iron and calcium will go into building sturdy bones and teeth. Also, the Vitamins A and C, which are abundant in Spinach, cause your body to produce sebum, a natural hair conditioner.

5. Olive Oil: If you didn’t know better, you might think that the high fat content in olive oil makes it unhealthy. But on the contrary, the omega 6 fatty acids contained in olive oil are among the healthiest fats out there. Yes, don’t be deceived by the word “fat.” There are some healthy ones. This particular good fat helps keep your skin bright, refreshed, and youthful.

6. Oysters: We’re all familiar with oysters’ aphrodisiac qualities, but there is more to them that that. Oysters are also one of the best sources of collagen, which helps in skin repair and keeps lips bright, plump, and healthy. They also have plenty of the powerful antioxidant zinc, which is an essential contributor to healthy hair.

7. Walnuts: Walnuts are primarily known as a brain food and a top source of protein, but they also have lots of omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, and Vitamin E, which helps the body get rid of harmful free radicals.

8. Red Wine: Red wine is abundant in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight the type of cell decay that leads to aging. It also protects against UV rays, and as a bonus, studies have shown that moderate red wine consumption can help prevent certain types of cancer.

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